Search Results for: Confederate Battle Flag

Steve Sailer: Mexican Flag = Diversity = Good; American Flag = White = Bad

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I have an idea: squint your eyes and watch those videos again but pretend the White people are Israelis and the brown people are Palestinians. Looks different to you, I bet. Funny thing is the … Continue reading

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The Confederate Flag Controversy

Paul Gottfried writes: The most interesting aspect of the war against Confederate symbols is not its predictable backing from black activist groups or the leftist media or members of the Rainbow Coalition. Those are the sources of support one would … Continue reading

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Divisions In White Nationalism

I just caught this podcast on Youtube. Host: “What causes these rifts? A lot of it is class. Boots vs suits. Then there are the wonks vs trolls. We’re doing right-wing journalism and winning the internet every day.” “There seems … Continue reading

Posted in America, Holocaust, Homosexuality, Nationalism, Richard Spencer | Comments Off on Divisions In White Nationalism

Our American Cultural Revolution: The Murray N. Rothbard Address at Auburn

Paul Gottfried: As the person who has been asked to deliver this year’s Murray N. Rothbard address, it seems appropriate to relate my remarks to the person being honored. Although the observations that follow may not have come directly from … Continue reading

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Will A Trump Victory Dislodge The Neo-Cons?

Paul Gottfried writes: Although I fully share the jubilation of others that Donald Trump may be taking a wrecking ball to the GOP establishment, I don’t hold the view that Trump’s candidacy will reduce neoconservative power. Matthew Richer, Justin Raimondo … Continue reading

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